LTC/T3, Bintang Terrace
Lot 10 Shopping Centre
50, Jalan Sultan Ismail
50250 Kuala Lumpur

+603-2143 6666

10.00 AM TO 10.00 PM

Disclaimer :
Rates are volatile and are subjective to change. We do not guarantee the discrepency on an updated rate by the store. You are advice to check with the respective money changer before heading to the store
Currency Unit We Buy
We Sell
1 4.4700 4.5000
1 2.7800 2.8100
1 5.6100 5.6800
1 4.6400 4.6900
1 3.2800 3.3100
1000 28.6000 29.2000
100 13.0000 13.2500
100 13.6000 13.8500
100 57.4000 58.0000
100 61.6000 62.2000
1000 3.1000 3.1600
1M 173 179
1M 278 285
1 2.5300 2.6100
1 4.9800 5.0400
1 3.0800 3.1400
100 5.2000 5.3500
100 7.5000 7.8000
100 110.0000 122.0000
100 17.0000 28.0000
100 118.0000 121.5000
1 12.3000 13.6000
1 8.0000 11.0000